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Prime 10″ R2 2-Ohm DVC Shallow Subwoofer

When you have no space for bass, our Prime R2SD2-10 shallow subwoofer will satisfy your need. This 10” subwoofer handles 200 Watts RMS and the 2-Ohm Dual Voice Coil design lets you to wire them in various configurations.

Prime 12″ R2 2-Ohm DVC Subwoofer

Car Audio Fanatics wanting big bass can rely on the Prime R2D2-12 subwoofer. This 12” subwoofer handles 250 Watt RMS and the 2-Ohm Dual Voice Coil design lets you to wire them in various configurations.

Prime 12″ R2 4-Ohm DVC Subwoofer

Car Audio Fanatics wanting big bass can rely on the Prime R2D4-12 subwoofer. This 12” subwoofer handles 250 Watt RMS and the 4-Ohm Dual Voice Coil design lets you to wire them in various configurations.